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Grant Accounting SoftwareLike all other aspects of your personal and business financial needs, The Accounting Software Group takes into account your grant accounting software needs. In conjunction with our salary tracker and basic financial management system, keep tabs on your grant allocation separately or combined with all other aspects of your business management simultaneously.Every aspect of our grant accounting software package is fully customizable and can accommodate your specific financial accounting needs. Our grant accounting software feature can keep track of money allocated on group or individual salary, project time, supplies and other costs incurred. It can project future outcomes and help analyze cost effective measures and plan around every possible contingency. Our grant accounting software is easy to use and graphs and forms can be printed and filled out by any member of your staff. Alternatively, security measures ensure that sensitive data does not get into the wrong hands and that documents are not wrongfully tampered with or altered. Plus it is fully compatible with both Mac and PC operating systems and formats and can cross reference to ensure that you encounter no incompatibility problems. Prevent possibilities such as overspending, or if there is an area that turns out to be a money loser, find out about it in advance before it is too late. With our grant accounting software, you have full control over your revenue accounting. To learn more about our grant accounting software features, contact us here. Or, if you would like to try our free demo CD, click here. Grant Accounting Software Features We have been working with our clients in an attempt to make our grant accounting software cover every variable. And while we realize that one can never cover every facet of the financial world, The Accounting Software Group strives to make the best grant accounting software available. Our software offers superb functionality in order to change to meet the growing needs of your growing business. Our grant accounting software is made to accommodate not only your current needs, but your future ones as well. Our grant accounting software also includes the ability to be completely customizable to meet you specific needs. Key into problem areas, or potentially profitable areas by refining the lay out of your software set up. The Accounting Software Group includes source code with all of our grant accounting software packages. This is to provide our customers with additional security in their investment and to give them the opportunity to tweak certain features at no risk to their overall design. Our grant accounting software also allows for complete interface flexibility ensures that you will not run into any conflict problems involving operating system, file format, PC and Mac conversion, or server. Any file format that you save your documents as can be shared with whomever wherever they are. If your company has a need for grant accounting software, or perhaps is looking for a superior small business accounting software system, the Accounting Software group offers a fully customizable package with hand-on training and 24/7 tech support. Monitor all grant accounting activity and keep a heads up on finances at every level of your business. Contact us today. To get more information on our grant accounting software
features contact us here. To order a free
demo CD, click here.